Black Lotus Studios

Practice (10 week series) (5/10)
with You & Others

March 3 (Monday)
at 6:30 am

Class length
90 minutes

Black Lotus Studios

Time to practice in the studio either on your or with a group is a valuable and important of developing your facility and understanding.  We are happy to talk to you about sequencing to help you feel confident and to get you going.  Most sessions I, or one of the other teachers, will be there practicing as well. 

Monday morning from 6.30 and Tuesday from 10am will be, on a trial basis, set aside to practice in the studio.  There is no cost to come to practice although you do need to be enrolled in at least one class per week at the studio. 
This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: Practice (10 week series)


Making a reservation on this page will only register you for this individual class, not the entire series of classes.

You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.

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